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Mac OS X 10.7 Lion Compatibility List

Below is a list of my softwares and their compatibility status with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion.

OK: apps work fine
NG: apps do not work

(64UB): 32/64-bit universal binary version
(32UB): 32-bit universal binary version
(PPC): PowerPC version
(CBN): classic PPC app with Carbon

CharConvX2.2 (64UB)OK--
CocoaCatX2.1 (64UB)OK--
Diary++2.8.2 (CBN)NG*1can'tDiary++X
Diary++X1.1.4 (64UB)OKthere are some troubles, will fix at version 1.2--
drop-split1.0.1 (PPC)NG >> OK*1; changed to universal binary at version 1.11.1-
DupScan2.4.1 (32UB)OKattached AppleScript droplets (PPC version) don't work *2--
PboardPeeker1.1 (64UB)OK--
SortServicesX1.1 (64UB)OK--
Th-MakerX3.2 (64UB)OK --
Get File Path.action1.0 (64UB)OK--
Touch Files.action1.0 (64UB)OK--
Zap Resource Forks.action1.2 (64UB)OK--

*1 You cannot laucn PowerPC version applications on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion that excludes support for Rosetta (used to run PowerPC code on Intel Macs).

*2 You can make Lion-compatible droplet as follows:

  1. Launch AppleScript Editor on Lion, open the droplet.
  2. Select "New" from File menu. Move the script to the new document with copy & paste or drag & drop.
  3. Select "Save" from File menu. Specify file name and location. Set "File Format" to "Application" and the all "Options" check boxes to off, then, click "Save" button.

Last updated: 2011-08-14

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