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OS X 10.11 El Capitan Compatibility List

Below is a list of my softwares and their compatibility status with OS X 10.11 El Capitan.

OK: apps work fine
NG: apps do not work

(64UB): 32/64-bit universal binary version
(32UB): 32-bit universal binary version
CharConvX2.2 (64UB)OK*1--
CocoaCatX2.1 (64UB)OK*1--
Diary++X1.2.3 (64UB)OK*1--
drop-split1.1 (32UB)OK---
DupScan2.4.1 (32UB)OK*1 attached AppleScript droplets (PPC version) don't work *2--
PboardPeeker1.1 (64UB)OK*1--
SortServicesX1.1 (64UB)OK*1--
Th-MakerX3.6 (64UB)OK*1--
Get File Path.action1.0 (64UB)OK*3--
Touch Files.action1.0 (64UB)OK*3--
Zap Resource Forks.action1.2 (64UB)OK*3--

*1 You cannot open the application with normal procedure because the application has no developper ID. Please open following steps:

  1. Click the application icon with pressing "Control" key or right-click it on the Finder.
  2. Choose "Open" from displayed contexual menu.
  3. Click "Open" button on the confirmation dialog. Enter the name and the password of addministrator if requireed.
You should perform the upper procedure once at the first launch time on each user acount. You can open the application with normal procedure (double click application icon and so on) after performing these.

*2 You can make El Capitan-compatible droplet as follows:

  1. Launch Script Editor on El Capitan, open the droplet.
  2. Select "New" from File menu. Move the script to the new document with copy & paste or drag & drop.
  3. Select "Save" from File menu. Specify file name and location. Set "File Format" to "Application" and the all "Options" check boxes to off, then, click "Save" button.

*3 You cannot use the action with normal procedure for the first time because the action has no developper ID. Please execute following steps:

  1. Open a workflow cotains these action such as a sample workflow or drag & drop the action from Library to the new wrokflow.
  2. Following message is shown: The action "xxxxx" was not loaded because it is from an unidentified developer.
  3. Click "Load" button.
  4. Click "Load Anyway" button on the cofirmation sheet.

Last updated: 2015-11-15

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